Sunday, June 30, 2013

Confronting the Powers in the Way of the Cross

Part 1: He Knows Your Name

It is Good Friday again. Our 5th as a community. Again, we take to the streets following the way of the cross.

Our first stop, Oppenheimer Park, is teaming with people on this beautiful sunny day in March. Oppenheimer is considered the "front yard" for mNy of our neighbours who are homeless or who inhabit rooms that measure 6'x9'. We listen to a Flamenco piece, done on strings, full of passion and tension, an almost palpable push and pull as we imagine Jesus betrayed by one with whom he has shared his life and for whom he walks this road.

Our gathering was noted by those hanging out in the park. Groups who come and go to "see the poverty" of our neighbourhood are common place around here, especially around holidays. And as we leave a woman calls after us in a drunken slur from the bench where she is sitting "I love you guys!!" Without missing a beat a voice from within our crowd yells back, "we love you too Hilda!!"

I am reminded on this way of the cross that Jesus too knew the names of neighbours as he walked this road, and called them by name, calling forth our humanity.

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